S. No. | Title and Authors Name | Country |
1. | Chemical composition, antioxidant and antimicrobial Activity of the essential oil from the leaves of Cymbopogon citratus Omolara O Fatunmibi, Isaac S Njoku, Olayinka T Asekun and James O Ogah Pages: 01-05 | 1188 Views 662 Downloaded Country: Nigeria | Nigeria |
2. | Composition of volatiles from Sarcobatus vermiculatus growing in southwestern Idaho Kathy Swor, Ambika Poudel, Prabodh Satyal and William N Setzer Pages: 06-11 | 731 Views 257 Downloaded Country: United States of America | United States of America |
3. | Chemical composition and antioxidant activity of the hexane fraction from leaf extracts of Odontonema strictum Lokadi Pierre Luhata, Moena Hirao, Natsuki Mori and Toyonobu Usuki Pages: 12-16 | 723 Views 242 Downloaded Country: Japan | Japan |
4. | Chemical composition of essential oils from the leaves of Garcinia Gracilis Pierre (Clusiaceae) and Canarium parvum Leenh. (Burseraceae) growing in Vietnam Nguyen Phuong Hanh, Dinh Thi Thu Thuy, Nguyen Quoc Binh and Isiaka Ajani Ogunwande Pages: 17-23 | 819 Views 387 Downloaded Country: Vietnam | Vietnam |
5. | Dimerization of myrcene to form the camphorenes: A density functional theory investigation William N Setzer Pages: 24-26 | 662 Views 250 Downloaded Country: United States | United States |
6. | Essential oils of Atriplex canescens and Grayia spinosa, two members of the Amaranthaceae growing in the Snake River canyon near Swan Falls, Idaho Kathy Swor, Ambika Poudel, Prabodh Satyal and William N Setzer Pages: 27-33 | 515 Views 216 Downloaded Country: United States | United States |
7. | Chemical components and bioactivities of Pyracantha crenulata (D. Don) wild and cultivated from Uttarakhand, India: A review Rakesh Kumar Joshi, Lucas Fornari Laurindo and Sandra M Barbalho Pages: 34-37 | 665 Views 273 Downloaded Country: India | India |
8. | Kinetic modeling of hydrodistillation of Ocimum basilicum essential oil from the plateau des Cataractes (Congo Basin) Thomas Silou, Jeantia Matoko, Andeouene Baou, Kalulu Taba, Jean Claude Chalchat and Gilles Figueredo Pages: 38-45 | 731 Views 363 Downloaded Country: Congo | Congo |
9. | Modified microwave assisted extraction of essential oils from Ceylon clove (Syzygium aromaticum) as a cost-effective and sustainable extraction method Tharaka De Silva and Supeshala Kothalawala Pages: 46-51 | 647 Views 325 Downloaded Country: Sri Lanka | Sri Lanka |
10. | Composition and antimicrobial properties of essential oils K Pyrgioti and M David Pages: 52-54 | 462 Views 174 Downloaded Country: Greece | Greece |