S. No. | Title and Authors Name | Country |
1. | Chemical constituents and antifungal properties of the essential oils from the stem bark of Mitragyna ciliata Aubrév. & Pellegr. and leaves of Cynometra vogelii Hook. f. from Nigeria Moses S Owolabi, Lanre Akintayo Ogundajo, Balogun Olaoye Solomon, Logunleko Olatunde, Ambika Poudel, Chelsea N Powers and William N Setzer Pages: 01-05 | 1486 Views 378 Downloaded Country: Nigeria | Nigeria |
2. | Seasonal variation in the essential oil composition of Salvia microphylla Prabodh Satyal, Coraima Calderon and William N Setzer Pages: 06-10 | 1561 Views 447 Downloaded Country: United States of America | United States of America |
3. | Chlorophyll-catalyzed photooxidation of limonene determines the interaction of citrus fruit with a wound pathogen Shimshon Ben-Yehoshua, Beatrice Nafussi, Michael Grabarnick and Victor Rodov Pages: 11-18 | 1249 Views 235 Downloaded Country: Israel | Israel |
4. | Constituents of essential oils from the leaves and rhizomes of Ophiopogon fruticulosus Aver., N.Tanaka & K.S. Nguyen from Vietnam Pham Ngoc Khanh, Hoang Thi Ngoc Anh, Tran Thu Huong, Vu Thi Ha, Dinh Thi Thu Thuy, Rakesh Kumar Joshi and Nguyen Manh Cuong Pages: 19-23 | 1387 Views 312 Downloaded Country: Viet Nam | Viet Nam |
5. | Toxicological aspects and pharmaco-therapeutic properties of linalool, a natural terpene derivative of essential oils: Literature studies Rachid Soulimani and Rakesh Kumar Joshi Pages: 24-34 | 2680 Views 1397 Downloaded Country: France | France |
6. | Gas chromatographic-mass spectral analysis and phytopathogenic activity of theessential oil of Plectranthus tenuiflorus Nasser A Awadh Ali, Bhuwan K Chhetri, Saleh Alghamdi, Ludger Wessjohann and William N Setzer Pages: 35-38 | 1124 Views 223 Downloaded Country: Saudi Arabia | Saudi Arabia |
7. | Potent free-radical-scavenging activity of bark of Poranopsis paniculata (roxb.) Roberly Sumnath Khanal, Devi Prasad Bhandari, Laxman Bhandari and Achyut Adhikari Pages: 39-42 | 1152 Views 222 Downloaded Country: Nepal | Nepal |