S. No. | Title and Authors Name | Country |
1. | Volatile constituents of Crescentia cujete L Olateju A Dawodu, Oladipupo A Lawal, Isiaka A Ogunwande and Abdulateef A Giwa Pages: 01-03 | 3135 Views 787 Downloaded Country: Nigeria | Nigeria |
2. | Chemical composition of the resin essential oil from Agathis atropurpurea from North Queensland, Australia Matthew S Garrison, Anthony K Irvine and William N Setzer Pages: 04-05 | 2689 Views 464 Downloaded Country: USA | USA |
3. | Chemical composition of Lophanthus turcicus Dirmenci, Yıldız & Hedge. Essential oil from Turkey Turgut KILIÇ, Tuncay DİRMENCİ, Sema ÇARIKÇI and Ahmet Ceyhan Gören Pages: 06-08 | 2578 Views 293 Downloaded Country: Turkey | Turkey |
4. | GC and GC-MS analysis of the fresh flower essential oil of Cananga odorata (Lam.) Hook. f. et Th. var. fruticosa (Craib) J. Sincl. Phan Minh Giang and Phan Tong Son Pages: 09-11 | 3771 Views 1313 Downloaded Country: Vietnam | Vietnam |
5. | Catnip essential oil: There is more to it than making your cat go crazy William N Setzer Pages: 12-15 | 3681 Views 1365 Downloaded Country: USA | USA |
6. | Essential oils as complementary and alternative medicines for the treatment of influenza William N Setzer Pages: 16-22 | 4763 Views 912 Downloaded Country: USA | USA |
7. | In vitro evaluation of antilipid peroxidation and antimicrobial potentials of methanol extract of Hibiscus sabdariffa (Malvaceae): An index of potential use in male infertility treatment Abdulkadir Nasiru, Adedokun Oluwasegun, Adeniyi-Akee Mukaram and Okogun Joseph Pages: 23-27 | 2435 Views 246 Downloaded Country: Nigeria | Nigeria |
8. | Composition of the essential oil and of some extracts of the aerial parts of Artemisia ludoviciana var. latiloba Nutt Guy Collin, Alexis St-Gelais, Maxime Turcotte and Hélène Gagnon Pages: 28-38 | 2325 Views 279 Downloaded Country: Canada | Canada |