American Journal of Essential Oils and Natural Products
Download the membership form and send it to our office by email.
Journal distributes membership subscription as Annual or Life or Fellow membership. Fellow members, life members or annual members are given preference in early publication of manuscript after approval of their manuscripts from experts. Please note that membership subscription or any other fees will not be returned or refunded if your manuscript is rejected.
Author who is annual member can submit ten manuscripts in one year. Authors who are life or fellow members can submit any number of manuscript in a year. Annual member should get their membership renewed one month before expiry.
Journal offers Membership of Three Categories:
1. Fellow Membership: One can use the title "FACEO" Fellow Member, American Congress of Essential Oil.- For example - Prof. William Lubell, Ph.D., FACEO
- Fellow members are given preference in the early publication of the manuscript after approval of their manuscripts from experts.
- In addition, Fellow Members are exempted from paying the Registration fees for attending the conferences of American Journal of Essential Oil and Natural Products for all the time.
2. Life Membership: One can use the title "AACEO" Associate Member, American Congress of Essential Oil. |
3. Annual Membership:- Annual members are given preference in the early publication of the manuscript after approval of their manuscripts from experts.
Membership Fees:
Membership Fees | Students | Professionals |
Fellow Membership | US $ 50 | US $ 500 |
Life Membership | US $ 30 | US $ 300 |
Annual Membership | US $ 20 | US $ 200 |
Payment detials will be send only after approvel of membership application.