S. No. | Title and Authors Name | Country |
1. | Fatty acid profile of an oleaginous endophytic Pseudofusicoccum sp. Isolated from Annona muricata Chika C Abba and Peter M Eze Pages: 01-05 | 1462 Views 219 Downloaded Country: Nigeria | Nigeria |
2. | Essential oil compositions of Daphne sericea vahl. flowers with hydrodistillation method Nadire Pelin Bahadırlı and Musa Türkmen Pages: 06-09 | 1602 Views 354 Downloaded Country: Turkey | Turkey |
3. | Lavender, cedarwood, and vetiver balms work as an anti-stress treatment by reducing plasma cortisol levels Handi Suyono, FX Himawan Jong and Sumi Wijaya Pages: 10-12 | 4360 Views 2692 Downloaded Country: Indonesia | Indonesia |
4. | Antimicrobial properties of American Hazelnut oil and extracts Terese Barta, Michael Demchik, Sophie Moll, Anna Gontkovic, Justin Hall and Jason Fischbach Pages: 13-16 | 1673 Views 459 Downloaded Country: United States of America | United States of America |
5. | Volatile components of the aerial parts of Prunella vulgaris L. (Lamiaceae) Sims K Lawson, Layla G Sharp, Prabodh Satyal and William N Setzer Pages: 17-19 | 1788 Views 587 Downloaded Country: United States of America | United States of America |