S. No. | Title and Authors Name | Country |
1. | Composition of the essential oil and of some extracts of the aerial parts of Artemisia ludoviciana var. latiloba Nutt Guy Collin, Alexis St-Gelais, Maxime Turcotte and Hélène Gagnon Pages: 01-11 | 2442 Views 427 Downloaded Country: Canada | Canada |
2. | Antibacterial/radical scavenging activities, content, chemotaxonomy and chemical components of volatile oils of two Plectranthus amboinicus (Lour.) Spreng. (Lamiaceae), grown in Yemen Khaled Hussein, Ahlam H Ahmed and Sahar Algabali Pages: 12-18 | 2478 Views 341 Downloaded Country: Yemen | Yemen |
3. | Thyme Thymus vulgaris L. Thymol CT Essential Oil as Natural Preservative Oleg Maksimov Pages: 19-22 | 4463 Views 903 Downloaded Country: USA | USA |
4. | Chemical composition and antimicrobial activity of essential oil from Heinsia crinita leaf Frank NI Morah and Lynus B Ashipu Pages: 23-28 | 2480 Views 257 Downloaded Country: Nigeria | Nigeria |
5. | Extraction methods, qualitative and quantitative techniques for screening of phytochemicals from plants Gusthinnadura Oshadie De Silva, Achala Theekshana Abeysundara and Malamige Minoli Weroshana Aponso Pages: 29-32 | 16677 Views 13201 Downloaded Country: Sri Lanka | Sri Lanka |
6. | Comparative studies on In-vitro radical scavenging potential of methanol extracts of Garcinia kola heck (Clusiaceae) seeds, Conyza sumatrensis retz (Asteraceae) and Mitracarpus scaber zucc (Rubiaceae) leaves Adebayo Muritala Ayofe, Adedokun Oluwasegun, Ayinde Bunyaminu Adesina and Ume Ogochukwu Pages: 33-36 | 2293 Views 296 Downloaded Country: Nigeria | Nigeria |
7. | Sportsmen’s energy package Cordyceps sinensis: Medicinal importance and responsible phytochemical constituents Yogesh Chandra Joshi, Mukesh Chandra Joshi, Vivek Chopra, Rakesh Kumar Joshi, Rajni Kant Sharma and Vikrant Kumar Pages: 37-51 | 2643 Views 240 Downloaded Country: India | India |