American Journal of Essential Oils and Natural Products
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ISSN: 2321-9114, ICV 2016: 79.57

American Journal of Essential Oils and Natural Products

2015, Vol. 3 Issue 2, Part A

Fatty Acids, Carbohydrates and Total Proteins of Wild Sumac (Rhus typhina L.) Drupes from the Upper Midwest of the United States

AUTHOR(S): Sophie Demchik, Alex Rajangam, Justin Hall, Eric Singsaas
ABSTRACT:We assessed staghorn sumac (Rhus typhina L.) drupes growing in the Upper Midwest of the United States for content of fatty acids, carbohydrates and total extractable proteins. Drupes were less than 5% fatty acids by dry weight, composed of predominately palmitic, oleic and linoleic acids. The predominant carbohydrate was xylose (22.1% of the dry weight). This quantity is exciting, as it is comparable to that of current commercial sources, and indicates that sumac can be a feasible source of xylose for the production of xylitol. Total extractable protein was relatively low, at 6.8%, and could possibly find a market as a sustainably produced vegetarian feed additive.
Pages: 30-34  |  2567 Views  513 Downloads

American Journal of Essential Oils and Natural Products
How to cite this article:
Sophie Demchik, Alex Rajangam, Justin Hall, Eric Singsaas. Fatty Acids, Carbohydrates and Total Proteins of Wild Sumac (Rhus typhina L.) Drupes from the Upper Midwest of the United States. Am J Essent Oil Nat Prod 2015;3(2):30-34.

American Journal of Essential Oils and Natural Products
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