S. No. | Title and Authors Name | Country |
1. | Chemical constituents of Morina genus: a comprehensive review Arvind Kumar, Vinay K. Varshney, Mohan S. M. Rawat, Seema Sahrawat Pages: 01-15 | 2758 Views 223 Downloaded Country: India | India |
2. | Chemical composition of the floral essential oil of Tabernaemontana longipes from Monteverde, Costa Rica William N. Setzer Pages: 16-18 | 2341 Views 169 Downloaded Country: USA | USA |
3. | Volatile components of organ pipe cactus, Stenocereus thurberi Engelm., growing in the Organ Pipe Cactus National Monument and the Arizona-Sonora Desert Museum Cynthia R. Wright, William N. Setzer Pages: 19-22 | 2394 Views 182 Downloaded Country: USA | USA |
4. | Composition and biological activities of the essential oil of Nigella sativa seeds isolated by accelerated microwave steam distillation with cryogenic grinding Rym Akloul, Farid Benkaci-Ali, Meriem Zerrouki, Gauthier Eppe Pages: 23-33 | 2279 Views 161 Downloaded Country: Algeria | Algeria |
5. | Leaf and Bark Essential Oil Compositions of Bursera simaruba from Monteverde, Costa Rica William N. Setzer Pages: 34-36 | 2129 Views 148 Downloaded Country: USA | USA |